I only used the filter smudge stick. When I took the picture I focused the camera on the first tulip so that the others wouldn't be as crisp. When adding the filter it emphasized the blurriness even more.
Tulips: 5/7/11: 10AM: Perry, UT: f4.5: 1/500: Canon EOS Digital Rebel Xsi
I used the layers adjustment layer then used the multiply blending mode to lighten the foreground. It defined more of the clouds in the sky. It also made the mountain pop more. This was the layer that did the most to the picture. The others there was even less of a difference.
Brinn: 5/7/11: 5PM: Odgen, UT: f4.5: 1/250: Canon EOS Digital Rebel Xsi
Heather. Great Job this week. Your tulip shot is great. Good job bringing back the reflection of the water in the picture. Good job using the large aperture to blur the background and really make the tulips pop.
Heather. Great Job this week. Your tulip shot is great. Good job bringing back the reflection of the water in the picture. Good job using the large aperture to blur the background and really make the tulips pop.