Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bannack Best

Can: 5/25/11, 1PM, Bannack, MT; f 4; 1/80; Nikon D3000

There was some random metal things laying in the grass next to one of the buildings. While I was waiting there for my group I just thought I would take a picture. I liked the angle that I ended up getting. I set the camera on the ground and aimed down the can. In camera raw I increased the clarity and the sharpness. Then I desaturated it to be black and white. I brought up the blacks more than just the default. 

Chair: 5/25/11, 12PM, Bannack, MT; f 4; 1/60; Nikon D3000

I sat on the ground and aimed the camera up at the chair. I liked how it looked like it was placed there for someone to look out the window. I brought out the reds and oranges in camera so the redness from the chair and the browns in the wall would be enhanced more.

Lock: 5/25/11, 12PM, Bannack, MT; f 5.6; 1/60; Nikon D3000

I focused on the end of the lock so that as it got away it would become more blurry. I increased the sharpness and clarity to have more of an effect. Then increased the greens so show more of the texture. So the greens stood out but not too much I also increased the blacks. 

Cemetery: 5/25/11, 7PM, Bannack, MT; f 7.1; 1/200; Nikon D3000

During the five minutes at the cemetery I wasn't liking any of the shots of the headstones so I decided to take one of the posts. With everyone running around i didn't want to get a person in my background so I focused on the plant that was in front of the post. I increased the blue and blacks in camera to emphasize the sky and the plant stem. 

Reflection: 5/25/11, 1PM, Bannack, MT; f 4; 1/200; Nikon D3000

We were taking pictures in front of this building then realized that we would get peoples reflections in the window. So then we found the best angle that would show the reflection. She is leaning on the pole that is outside. But its lined up that the pole and the wood piece in the center of the window match up. You can see the pieces inside the building that also look like they are outside which adds to the affect. I added a vignette and then desaturated the color but messed with the hue to get the right brown. 

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